Self Portraits

Attempt 2

Attempt 1

Fall 2016: My professor had us try our hand at painting a self portrait twice. It's a painful experience to paint yourself; I always ended up looking ugly and distorted. That being said, it's fun to be your own subject. In the bottom image, I was trying to capture every fleck of color I could find in my face. I was in a shaded part of the room, so everything looks a little dark. I love the colors I was able to see, but I wish it was less creepy. Surprisingly, one of my friends bought this painting when I was selling my art in the spring. The second attempt was a little more realistic, but still doesn't quite look like me. My professor liked the way the eye on the left was painted, and I felt like I was able to move around the space a little better. Maybe I'll try painting myself again in the future, but for now I've had my fill seeing myself as a colorful monster.

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