Art 4 Sale

My table set up

An abstract piece that sold

Extra large clam shells that I painted.

Conch shells that I also painted.

April 2017: This past spring, I sold some of my work for the first time. My friend was organizing an Earth Day festival and wanted to showcase student work. She asked me if I'd be interested in setting up a table, and I couldn't pass up an opportunity to make some money while unemployed. In the first picture, you can see my table set up. There were a few paintings and shells left at the end of the day, but overall I made some money and got to talk to people about some of the stuff I painted.

The abstract painting I didn't do completely on my own. I actually found the canvas at that same North Carolina warehouse, and it already had a painting on it. I kept some of the stuff I liked, like the red details and the charcoal lines, and sort of painted over the rest.

I also painted a bunch of shells, which was fun because I got to sit on my front porch and paint when the weather was nice. Kids loved coming over and playing with them, and a few parents bought them for them. I sold all but two, one of which I use as an ashtray now, and the other I gave to my mom.

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