
This is a painting of my cat, Razoolie. He was a Himalayan cat who lived to be 18 years old. We all loved this cat more than anything, and I swear he had 9 lives because of all the crazy things he did. When he was a kitten, he'd tear through furniture and try to run up the walls. When I was little, he fell off the balcony from the second floor and walked away. He had kidney stones that ripped through him, but he made it. Right before he died he was blind and probably deaf. During seventh grade, he passed away in my dad's arms. My dad was his best friend, and although we all miss him, I think Razoolie's death affected my dad the most. I painted this and gave it to my dad for his birthday that year. I used watercolor paint for the orange and green parts, acrylic crayons for the whiskers, and an ebony pencil for the border.


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