
Up until 8th grade, I went to an after school program near my school until my parents could pick me up. Each year, every student is placed into a room, and every room had a unique personality. In 5th grade I was placed into the Rainbow Room, which was run by a little old lady named Maria. Maria is the craftiest woman I have ever met: she can sew, paint, glue; you name it, Maria could do it. Every day was a different project and a different adventure in her room. The best part about the Rainbow Room was that I could make the best gifts. A week before one of my family members' birthdays, I ran into the Rainbow Room and begged Maria to give me a gift idea. One day, she showed me how to fill a glove with some kind of concrete material and let it dry over a bowl. When it dried, I could easily peel back the glove and paint the hand with color and Modge Podge, a clear glaze. I gave this Maria-inspired hand to my dad for his birthday.


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